Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Sailor costume

 Hello all,

The link in the email may not have worked (and some of you have not been able to open the email - sorry!) The costumes you can copy are here, but they really can be close approximations and a bit of mix and match. School shorts or cut offs and plimsolls are fine. Stripy socks look good and a simple oversized shirt and scarf / black tie would be fine. 

If you have any questions, please drop in after school.

Miss BB 

Friday, June 26, 2015

Digital leaders!

On Friday some of class 2 digital leaders helped some of class 1 to write interactive stories using an app in the iPad. They were fab! They taught the children how to use the app, before handing over the iPad and letting them have a go.


Last week Nicholas dug up our potatoes and we cooked them! They were delicious. 

Nicholas has planted some flowers, strawberries and tomatoes too.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Multi-skills tournament at Old Buckengam High School

This morning we went to the high school for our multi skills morning. It was great fun and we were very worn out at the end with all that lovely fresh air and exercise! 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Frog Belly Rat Bone

Last week in maths we had a bit of a problem to solve for Frog Belly Rat Bone. A boy had found some treasures that he needed to put in the ground. But nothing happened!

Frog Belly made him read the note again more carefully. They needed to be in equal rows! Could we help him? Of course we could! 

We opened our seed packets, set to work, then found out different ways that the seeds could be planted. We need to tell the boy and Frog Belly Rat Bone how many ways they can plant different amounts of seeds! 

Writing outside!

We went out to do our writing today. It was perfect because it wasn't too sunny and not too hot either. We are writing our first drafts of our stories for The Incredible Book Eating Boy.

Empty classroom day

Today is empty classroom day. I wonder where everyone is?! 

Junk modelling!

This morning we have been junk modelling in music and making some fantastic musical instruments! George loved doing this and said he was going to show all his family how to do it! 


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Shelter building

One of our Bear Grylls survival skills activities was shelter building. you never know when you might need one! We had to show team work, big thinking skills and make decisions together. We were so good that our instructor, Mrs Sait, said that we passed with flying colours! 

Working together